Sowas kommt in der letzten Zeit laufend rein. Leider hat die Naomi Hunter nicht in ihrer vorgefertigten E-Mail, die Adresse des Blogs genannt auf der sie einen Artikel veröffentlichen will.Good morning,
I hope you are having a great week so far.
I came across your website the other day and I thought I would reach out to you regarding publishing an article on your blog. I wondered if this is something you would like to discuss further.
I work with a lot of clients who take sponsored posts and it would be great if we could also collaborate. The article would be 100% unique and of course, this will be subject to your approval.
If you are interested, could you please let me know your specific guidelines and if applicable, any administration fees you may have for this service.
I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
Naomi Hunter
Bei mir wandert sowas dann auch gleich in den Papierkorb.
Habt ihr Erfahrungen mit Naomi Hunter . Für wen arbeitet Naomi Hunter?
Immer diese anonymen Anfragen.
Grüße Lothar